Ariel Cephus-McKinney

Worship & Foster + Adopt Director

Hi! I’m Ariel Cephus-McKinney, wife of Rory McKinney as of November 2023. We are thoroughly enjoying this journey the Lord is taking us on and are learning and growing closer to one another, and Jesus, daily. We don’t have children yet, but are hoping the Lord will bless us with them when the time is right.

The Lord has graciously pursued me my entire life. I was born into a family full of pastors, preachers, and worship leaders. By His grace, I came to know of Him at an early age and began serving soon after. I really enjoyed seeing my friends and others come to know Jesus and experiencing Him. That love and zeal for watching Jesus change hearts carried into my adulthood and ultimately led to me being on staff at Stonegate; what a gift this church has been!

My hope for Stonegate is that we would continue to be a place where people can be known by each other and still be loved, discipled and well cared for. I pray that we are never comfortable in our sin, but are quick to repent and be reconciled to both God and one another.