
About Baptism

Baptism is the washing with water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; it signifies and seals our adoption into Christ, our cleansing from sin, and our commitment to belong to the Lord and to his church. This is an important step of obedience that is an outward display of an inward transformation.

Why Baptism?

1. Jesus commanded it. (Matthew 28:19-20)

2. It expresses your unity with Christ. (Romans 6:3-4)

3. Baptism is an expression of faith. (Acts 2:38)

Are You Ready To Be Baptized?

We believe that baptism is an important next step in your relationship with Jesus. We have Baptism Sundays with a whole service celebrating baptisms. Please click the link below to share your story and schedule your baptism.

Do You Have Questions About Baptism?

Our team is here to help!

Register for Baptism Class

We provide a class leading up to Baptism Sunday to let you know why baptism is important, what Baptism Sunday will look like, and tools to write your story.

Write Your Story

You will have the opportunity to share your story with your church family on Baptism Sunday. Our team is here to help you as you write it out.

Invite Family + Friends

Baptism is a public declaration of faith. Invite your family and friends to celebrate with you!

We Provide Everything You Need

Leave those towels at home! We will provide those as well as a baptism shirt for you and the person baptizing you.

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