The worship ministry at Stonegate exists to serve our mission of “enjoying Jesus and making disciples”. Through song, poetry and other artistic expressions, we work to make the good news of Jesus accessible and clear so that each Sunday we, as a church, can enjoy Jesus together.
What Is Worship?
Simply put, worship is a boasting in Jesus Christ in all that a believer thinks, says and does (Phil. 3:3). This boasting in Jesus is grounded in seeing Him as the supreme, soul satisfying treasure of our hearts (Phil 3:3,7-8). Therefore our chief aim is to lay the person and work of Jesus before our people from week to week in hopes that the Holy Spirit would give them eyes to see His beauty.
We agree with the New Testament that worship is not just as a Sunday activity, but a lifestyle to be expressed by every Christian (John 4:21-23). Therefore, we gather to worship God corporately on Sundays with a view to scattering the rest of the week to worship Him wherever He has placed us by loving and serving our families and neighbors.