You're Welcome Here!

At Stonegate, you'll find a safe place to grow in your relationship with God and connect with others.

What To Expect

We understand showing up at a new place for the first time can be hard, so here's more information about Stonegate and what you can expect.

Smiling Faces

From the parking lot to the auditorium, our welcome team is here to guide you and answer any questions you have.

Personal Connection

Stop by our First Time Guest tent. We have a gift for you and a team of people to show you around and help you navigate your first steps.

Joyful Worship

Our worship leaders seek to balance new, original music with some of the great hymns of our faith. As we sing, the focus is on Jesus! So regardless of what you sound like, feel free to sing aloud with us.

Biblical Preaching

Every week a Pastor will teach straight from the Bible in a challenging and practical way. We encourage you to bring your Bible with you. If you do not have one, feel free to use (or take) one of ours.

There’s a place for everyone at Stonegate.

Kids Ministry

Kids from 4 months – 5th grade learn about Jesus, the Bible, and who they are in Stonegate Kids.

Student Ministry

We exist to lead students 6th-12th grade to enjoy Jesus, embrace risk, and multiply themselves to see others love Jesus.

Community Groups

Find community where you can grow and be encouraged through the highs and lows of life. We have groups for men, women, young adults, marrieds, and more!

Times & Directions

4025 US-287, Midlothian, TX, 76065

9:00AM | 11:00AM

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9:00AM | 11:00AM

Our Beliefs

Stonegate News & Announcements
Want to stay up-to-date? Check out a list of all of our upcoming events, classes, groups, and different ways to get connected.
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