Stonegate Cares for You

We have Care Classes and Support Groups that can help you navigate through seasons and experience healing in community.

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It’s OK to not be OK. But don’t stay there. With Christ, life can be different. Our church would love to pray for you. Through the button below, you can submit a prayer request that will be prayed for in our weekly prayer service and shared in our prayer newsletter.

Stonegate recommends these resources and professional counseling services.

Walk with community in a Divorce Support Group to help you deal with the pain of the past and look forward to rebuilding your life.

At Stonegate, we want spiritual thriving for you. One thing we’d love for you, is to see you debt free, able to save more than you ever have, and give more than you ever have. This is all possible when we learn how to steward what God has given us well. There is no charge for this 4 week class and it is offered 4-5 times per year.

Redemption Groups is a discipleship experience for any believer wanting to grow in their ability to apply the good news of Jesus to their hearts and encounter real change, healing, and growth. We offer Redemption Groups in a weekend format or in an 8-week small group format.

Redemption Group Testimonies: 

Marriage Care is a class for couples that works to connect the Gospel to their marriage. As we move into a deeper connection and love for God, we can move into a deeper connection with our spouse. The course will be offered in the spring, summer and fall and will cover material connected to Paul Tripp’s book “Marriage.” Registration cost covers materials and childcare for the class.

Have you received a placement? Are you fostering? Have you adopted? Find helpful information, resources, and events.

Stonegate works to provides meaningful funeral and memorial services that reflect who your loved one was, comforts your family and friends, and encourages worship of Jesus Christ.

While it can be tempting to avoid the pain of grieving, avoidance can often lead to other life-altering problems. Our goal is to bear the burden of tragedy with you, while directing you back toward Jesus as you grieve.

Meet Our Certified Biblical Counseling Team

At Stonegate we want to provide you with strategic, short-term solutions for your discipleship and counseling needs.

This team is certified in Biblical Counseling with the Association of Biblical Counselors and all play a critical role in serving the Stonegate Church family. They would love to be a part of helping you grow.

By clicking below, you will be directed to our Care Request Form where you can request to meet with them.

Do You Need Immediate Help?

If you or someone you know is in an emergency situation, please call 911 or reach out to one of these resources for immediate assistance:

Stonegate News & Announcements
Want to stay up-to-date? Check out a list of all of our upcoming events, classes, groups, and different ways to get connected.
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