Daniel Boterf

Creative + Connections Pastor

I grew up in Mississippi and moved to Texas during high school. My Mississippi roots run deep, but Texas is home. God was gracious to place me in a Christian family where I learned to love God and do hard things. In high school, I encountered Jesus, and it became clear that I was to give my life to ministry in the local church. After completing a degree in Business Administration at Dallas Baptist University in 2016, I graduated with a Masters of Theological Studies from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2022.

I met my joy-filled wife, Kenzie, right after college and we have two sons (Liam Knox and Shepherd James) and two golden doodles. During my time in ministry, I’ve led in student ministry, in worship, in preaching, in helping people take next steps in their faith, and have invested a lot of my time and energy in church communications, creativity, and building teams.

I started attending Stonegate in the fall of 2013 where I first learned what it meant to be an adopted child of God and address Him as Father. I started serving in the student ministry in 2014, graduated from the Worship Institute in 2016, and joined the staff in 2018. It has been one of the joys of my life being apart of the Stonegate family in various roles and through different seasons. Stonegate has been a green house for my relationship with Jesus, my character, my leadership, and maturity.

In my spare time, you can find me spending time with my wife and sons, listening to podcasts, jumping into a cold plunge, reading leadership or theology books, enjoying music, eating good food, playing a board game, or watching football.

My hope is to see the people of Stonegate make it their daily aim to let all their efforts for growth, in every area of life, to be for one reason: I want more of Jesus. Let’s use the time we have together to practice all the one anothers’ in the Bible, and use our gifts to build up this precious local church family.

To the glory of God alone.


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