Jeff Garner

Church Planting Resident

I’m grateful to have been raised in the church because it gave me a strong, biblical foundation. Later in college, the Lord was kind to reel me in from my rebellion and rescue my weary heart. The Lord led me away from my passion of playing football and he replaced it with a love to see others come to Jesus. I loved volunteering with churches in student ministries during this season because I sensed the ability to relate well with teenagers. It’s because of these wonderful experiences that after graduation, I took a job as a youth pastor. Now 15 years later, here I am with a love for the church and a heart that’s been molded to see God’s people cherish Jesus. 

Pastor Rodney recruited me to serve on staff at Stonegate in 2014 when the church was still very young. Those portable church days are some of my fondest memories and I treasure the relationships that were formed. My marriage was redeemed, my character was deepened, and I grew significantly in my desire to walk by the Spirit. I served for 8 memorable years before I felt a release to go serve as a Teaching Pastor in San Antonio. Now, not even two years later the Lord drew our family back to Stonegate where I am now the Church Planting Resident. The call to return and begin something new was birthed out of 3 truths the Lord has softened into my obstinate heart: 1. He gets the last word, 2. His way is best, and 3. His heart is good.

My wife Sarah, and I met through mutual friends when she visited my college campus in the Spring of 2008. We married in 2009, and God has now graced us with 3 precious daughters and a hurricane of a son. 

My hope for Stonegate is to see you believe the mission by living it out, namely…to enjoy Jesus and make disciples. Additionally, I hope you will commit to pray for our future church plant and all the miracles we need to see us become who God intended. 


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