I have been privileged to serve as one of your pastors since September 2014. I grew up in Arlington, TX and was saved at an early age of seven in Grand Prairie, TX. At seven years old, I can look back and see God’s grace upon me where I had the desire to read my Bible every day at that age! I had my sights set on business and went to Bible college in Santa Cruz, CA where God gave me a course correct to my plans. He called me into full-time evangelism and was privileged to travel to many parts of the globe sharing Christ.

I moved back to Texas in 1993 and was on the ground floor of a business that eventually went public eight years later. During that time, I served bi-vocationally as a singles pastor and as a youth pastor.

I am a broken individual and by God’s grace His child! I have lived a life blessed through intense personal suffering ranging from raising a severely disabled child to fighting for my life in a battle with cancer. I am truly blown away that God would use a person like me to help others!

In 2008, I married the love of my life Elizabeth. I am blessed to have two sons that love the Lord. My hobbies include most all things physical fitness (cycling, running, weight lifting).

My hope for Stonegate is that we would collectively as a functioning body and individually depend upon God and in all things make Him preeminent (Col. 1:18). This means taking every decision we have in life, whether spiritual or secular and bringing this before our Lord, and seeing where He would want to direct us. I think this is the key to joy in whatever you do in life.